7 Spiritual Perspectives on Personal Leadership

Life is like a game of cards. The hand that is dealt you is determinism; the way you play it is free will. — Jawaharlal Nehru

~~~~ Tip of the Day: “How do you deal with change? How comfortable are you with what is on your plate? Are you creating or are you resisting? The quality of your leadership depends on how you deal with the cards that you draw and how you succeed using what you got.” This article presents an approach for increasing personal mastery and leadership effectiveness, based on ancient spiritual wisdom from around the world. The seven core principles: Integrity; Confidence; Restraint; Energy; Alertness; Trust in self and in right experts; and Execution effectiveness help steer both people and organizations wisely in turbulent times. http://premiere.whatcounts.com/t?ctl=169FDB3:C3009629A010612C6A4FD228A6A64954B4B847859706E37D&

~~~~ Be The Change: Author Dan Millman shares a brief reflection: “To Transcend, Observe Cause and Effect.” http://premiere.whatcounts.com/t?ctl=169FDB4:C3009629A010612C6A4FD228A6A64954B4B847859706E37D&

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